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  • To provide comprehensive and rigorous training to new police recruits. It prepares them for the demands and challenges of policing and ensure that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform duties effectively
  • The unit provides basic training covering modules such as: Police Duties, Criminal Law, CP&E and Interpretation of Statute Law.
  • It also ensures that recruits are physically fit and able to meet the physical demand of police work, which includes: Training in Defensive tactics, Firearms and Physical exercises.

Criminal Investigations Training Unit

It provides training and professional development  opportunities to law enforcment officers who specializes in criminal investigations.It is responsible for designing and delivering training programmes that enhhances skills and knowledge of investigators, detectives and other law enforcement personnel involved in criminal investigations.

Policing and Management

  • The mandate of the unit is to provide on-going education and training to police officers who are already serving members of Botswana Police service that helps officers in staying up-to-date with latest development in law enforcement and enhances thier ability to serve and protect their community.

Traffic Management and Driver Training

  • It provides training and professional development  opportunities to police officers who specialize in traffic law enforcement and management. It is responsible for designing and delivering training programmes that enhance skills and knowledge of traffic investigators, and other law enforcement personnel involved in traffic management investigations.
  • It provides training education to police drivers.
  • It delivers training programmes that enhance the skills and knowledge of police drivers in areas such as safe driving practices, traffic laws and regulations and defensive driving.

Botswana Police College Satellite Campus, Kanye

  • The Botswana Police Satelitte Campus-Kanye, is the satellite police training institution within the Botswana Police Service. The Satellite is mandated with providing In-Service training programmes on identified trainning gaps.
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