



Botswana Police Service was formed in 1895. We evolved around the following names:

 Before Independence (Colonial Era)

 Bechuanaland Protectorate Mounted Police.

Bechuanaland Protectorate Police

Bechuanaland Police Force

During this time, the capital town of the Bechuanaland Protectorate (Botswana) was in Mafikeng, South Africa where Training was mainly done.

Post-Colonial Era

 Botswana Police Force - 1966

Botswana Police Service – 1997

1936 Construction of Police Depot started in Gaborone.The facility was insufficient as the school lacked lecture rooms as lectures were held partly in: One barrack in the open space.The second barrack was used as Storeroom and Office for native instructors


Feeding of trainees

The trainees were fed in the open. In 1949 - G.E. Nettelton, government secretary wrote to indicate that geological offices had moved to Lobatse and the Police Training took their building and their workshop to serve as: Offices for drill superintendent & Lecture room. N.B. This was at the present Camp School.

During the period 1936 – 1949 training was offered to Police recruits. A syllabus of training was followed with hours set aside for various subjects. The government was responsible for sponsoring the training as it is the current situation. 1950 - The first Police College in the then Bechuanaland Protectorate was constructed at the Village suburb in Gaborone, at the current TTB Offices. Some decades later in the 90’s, there arouse a need to expand the Police College.


2000 – Relocation to Otse.

 It is interesting to note that the reasons that led to the expansion of the College were observed as follows:

The Police force had increased from 766 to almost 10 times.The infrastructure could not meet all the training needs as a number of In-Service programmes particularly for Middle and Senior Managers were suspended.We could not enlist to as many recruits to match escalating crime. In an effort to curb the escalating crime and meet the needs of changing societies the Botswana Police Service has been gradually developing training and education of its officers. This has been incorporated in the Corporate Development Strategy 1997 – 2003 which advocated for: Provision of quality service ,Reduction in the incidence and fear of crime, Promotion of peace, safety and securityIn partnership with the community.The relocation to the magnificent buildings in Otse took place in 2000.These facilities were built at a cost of P 330 million in a land covering 256 hectares.


In line with our Vision and Mission Botswana Police Service is set to provide a professional service to its customers and give value for money.


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